Nominasies vir Voelgoed Media se Inspirasievrou 2025 vind plaas vanaf 1 Februarie tot 30 April 2025 – slegs aanlyn nominasies sal aanvaar word.

’n Inspirasievrou kan jou ma, dogter, familielid, vriendin, buurvrou, kollega óf selfs jy wees!

Nomineer jou gunsteling-inspirasievrou óf skryf jouself in!

Inligting wat nodig is vir die aanlyn nominasie

● ’n Goeie kwaliteit kop-en-skouers-foto (kleur) in JPEG-formaat

● ’n Kort beskrywing (maksimum 350 woorde) wat verduidelik waarom die genomineerde die Inspirasievrou-toekenning verdien – die buitengewone rol wat sy in haar huis, werkplek, en gemeenskap speel, die ywer waarmee sy werk om ander te help teëspoed met moed in die oë staar, omgee wat jou lewe en dié rondom jou verander, én ander inspireer om méér te wees en te doen

Bepalings en voorwaardes

● Jy kan jou gunsteling-inspirasievrou nomineer óf jouself inskryf

● Sowel jy as jou genomineerde moet 18 jaar of ouer wees, en inwoners van Suid-Afrika

● Kry toestemming van die genomineerde voordat jy haar nomineer, en maak haar bewus van die bepalings en voorwaardes, asook ons privaatheidsbeleid

● Wanneer jy vir ons die inligting gee, stem jy én die genomineerde in tot ons gebruik daarvan vir die Inspirasievrou-toekenning, en vir die doelwitte wat in ons privaatheidsbeleid uiteengesit word

● As die genomineerde een van die tien finaliste is, moet sy beskikbaar wees om op 1 November op eie koste die Inspirasievrou-toekenningsgeleentheid in Pretoria by te woon

● Die sluitingsdatum vir nominasies is 30 April 2025, geen laat inskrywings sal aanvaar word nie

● Die beoordelaars se beslissing is finaal en geen gesprek of korrespondensie sal daaroor gevoer word nie

● Inskrywings en foto’s word die eiendom van Voelgoed Media, en mag op diskresie van die redakteur gepubliseer word

● Die langlys van vyftig vroue en die tien finaliste moet bereid wees om afgeneem of verfilm te word vir mediadoeleindes wat aan die Inspirasievrou-toekenning gekoppel is

● Die publiek kan vir hul gunsteling-inspirasievrou vanaf 1 tot 31 Augustus 2025 stem

● Die langlys van vyftig vroue en die tien finaliste sal op die Voelgoed-webblad en sosiale media aangekondig word, en ook deur e-pos in kennis gestel word

● Inskrywingsgeld word gevra om te verseker dat ons ‘n Inspirasievrou-toekenning van hoogstaande gehalte kan aanbied

● Carpe Diem Media/Voelgoed Media neem geen verantwoordelikheid vir enige skade wat jy, die genomineerde of enige ander persoon opdoen in verband met die Inspirasievrou-toekenning nie

Meditation & Mindfulness Practices

Discover Serenity in Every Moment Of Practice

We invite you to explore the power of meditation and mindfulness practices in creating balance and well-being in your everyday life. Find profound ways to connect with yourself and the world around you through a series of classes and sessions guided by experienced instructors.

Thematic Sessions

Participate in special meditation sessions designed to meet specific needs, such as stress management, better sleep, or increased energy.

Flexible Schedule

With a diverse schedule, you can tailor your time to attend classes and seamlessly integrate this transformative practice into the natural rhythm of your life.

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Lives Transformed
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Years Of Experience
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Wellness Classes

our services

Unleash Inner Harmony

Our mindful yoga wellness services are designed to help you connect with your inner self while improving physical health. Experience the harmonious blend of mind and body wellness through our range of yoga practices.
Private Yoga Sessions

Elevate your yoga practice beyond the confines of a group class–private yoga sessions, either 1 on 1 or in small groups, provide extra boost.

Thai Yoga Therapy

Foster healing and enhance flexibility, mobility, overall health, and energy using the time-honored techniques of Thai Yoga Bodywork.

Mindful Eating Courses

Say goodbye to dieting forever! Begin the journey of mending your relationship with food and your body through our mindful eating courses.

Mindful Meditation

Cultivate a peaceful mind by experienced meditation, these sessions provide tools to enhance awareness-mental clarity, and relaxation.

Yoga Retreats

These immersive experiences offer an opportunity to deepen your practice, connect with like-minded individuals, & rejuvenate your mind, body, & spirit.

Corporate Programs

Enhance workplace well-being to meet the needs of your team, these programs include on-site yoga sessions & stress management workshops.

Benefits of Yoga Mindful Wellness

Holistic Transformation for Health and Well-being

We outline the positive benefits you can experience through engagement in our programs. Discover the richness of holistic transformation for your body, mind, and soul, laying a solid foundation for a healthy and balanced life. From increased flexibility to inner peace, Yoga Mindful Wellness provides tools to guide you towards sustained positive changes.

Improved Flexibility & Physical Fitness

Our yoga programs help enhance body flexibility and physical strength, providing a strong foundation for an active and healthy life.

Stress Management & Mental Health

Explore deep relaxation techniques and mindfulness exercises to cope with stress, enhance mental health, and achieve emotional balance.

Inner Peace & Emotional Well-being

Through meditation and mindfulness practices, face daily challenges with inner calm, elevate emotional well-being, and build mental resilience.

Better Sleep Quality

Learn sleep relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that can enhance the quality of your sleep, providing the necessary energy to face each day.

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